Please Support Our Work!
Colloquium Depot, Ltd., a 501c (3) nonprofit, is seeking your assistance in achieving our ultimate goal of eliminating societal violence. Our mission of increasing public awareness of violence is the focus of the Ban On Bullying © initiative and depends on establishing the ability to define, identify and stop violence in the general population. Our efforts recognize the importance of familial relationships; and promote anti-abusive values and non-abusive behavior.
Improving the quality of life for all requires changing attitudes, values and behaviors condoning and promoting violence. To give voice to all ages, faiths, genders, and ethnicities, we use educational, entertainment- and arts-based programs (interactive and trans-generational workshops) as creative laboratories. We recognize individual needs in resolving interpersonal dynamics and we encourage all participants to reevaluate their current goals and activities, and discover new approaches to living and communicating, through music, drama and art.
Your contribution will give our work spiritual and material lift. It will be a powerful step towards establishing a community of anti-abuse, anti-bullying, anti-violence individuals.
Please contribute via PayPal and click on the donate button below.
Contributions support program development/improvement, and make our goal reachable.
Thank you for your support!
Make a Donation Today
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Colloquium Depot, Ltd.
P. O. Box 617
New York, New York 10159
How Donations Are Used
We are encouraging youth, through music, to reevaluate current goals and activities and discover new approaches to living.]
Your donations will give this mission a spiritual and material lift. It will be a meaningful step towards establishing a community of anti-abuse, anti-bullying, anti-violence individuals.